Bula! Lenora here with my first ever blog in Fiji
When I was approached to be a Bulalicious Ambassador, I had two questions;
1. What causes does Bulalicious support?
2. Where are the garments made?
I come from Dravuni, a picturesque little island on the Northern most tip of the Kadavu group of islands in Fiji and for generations my people have relied on the ocean for food, livelihood and travel. Though modernisation and development have changed many things in the village, one thing that will never change is our reliance on the ocean. It is important to me therefore that everything is done to protect our reefs, breeding grounds and fish stock. Equally important is that my fellow Fijians realise how their actions can impact our ocean. I’m a scuba diver and I often see the deadly consequences of our actions under the surface.
Secondly it was important for me that the garments are Fijian-made. I love that Fijians, and mostly women were employed to make this gear. Additionally it was very important for me that the gear was made in a work environment that is woman and child friendly. Hearing that Bulalicious is made right here in Fiji made me smile.
Finally as a 47 year old mother, who had a hysterectomy in 2014, I know it’s a challenge to get fit, keep excess fat off and stop the “middle age spread” from turning what used to be a taut, shapely torso into a soft wobbly mass. After a recent holiday I am struggling a bit with this point.
Non-Communicable-Diseases (NCDs) are now the number one killer of Fijians and it’s important for me to be able to help women prevent becoming a victim; there aren’t that many of us Fijians to begin with after all. I often post about healthy eating and exercise on my Facebook page because I love that I can inspire women (and men) to take better care of their health.
I’m proud to be a Bulalicious Ambassador because I am supporting a business that is interested in Fijian women, Fiji’s ocean and because Bulalicious is Fiji-made, just like me.
God bless you.
Lenora Qereqeretabua