A cost free workout in Fiji
When it comes to working out do you find yourself making every excuse under the sun? Too busy? No confidence? Not enough money for a gym membership? Is one of your excuses that you don’t have the correct workout equipment? Well we have the solution..Bulalicious Activewear has teamed up with one of our Activewear AmbassadorsLenora Qereqeretabua to show you just how easy it can be for you to workout cost-free. We hope that by giving you the inspiration to get active it can encourage you to take the first step on the fitness ladder and help you gain the confidence and motivation you need to carry on and start your own fitness journey.
Working out can mean so many different things to so many different people. For some it’s a social activity, for others it’s a personal choice to improve health and for some it’s a way of blowing off steam and reducing stress. Whatever your motivation, make sure you workout for YOU and only YOU. At the end of the day it’s you that has to be motivated to take the time out of your day to sweat and put in the grind and it’s you that has to go through the daily workouts. So like anything in life you have to find the love of doing something in order for you to want to keep doing it and for you to succeed.
Our Bulalicious workout aims to give you your starter workout guide to a cost-free, no equipment regime that can be done anywhere, anytime.
As a female activewear brand, women are our priority and before we design or create any activewear for our customers we look into the reasons why our customers workout and
any barriers that may stop them and what we can do to help them get over these and help them feel good about working out agin. These are some of the barriers you may find prevent you from working out and our solutions to help you get over them:
LOCATION: No longer do we need to workout in gyms or fitness studios. We are fortunate that Fiji is surrounded by an abundance of lush green grass and in some villages beautiful beaches. These are great locations to set up for your workout. What more could you ask for when you’re burning through your workout than golden sand underfoot and the sea breeze in your hair – it definitely beats a stuffy gym any day of the week.
COST: The bene t of working outside and in public parks is that it is free, which means you can save your money.
WORKOUT GEAR: Working out can be sometimes difficult if you don’t feel con dent to begin with, but don’t worry Bulalicious Activewear has you covered when it comes to your workout wardrobe and our activewear will ensure you feel good before, during and after your workout leaving you to concentrate on your workout and not your wardrobe.
TIME: We can all make excuses that we don’t have enough time in a day, but if we really dissect our day there is definitely at least 30 minutes that we can allocate to working out. Even with a busy work schedule and home life allocating just 30 minutes in the morning before the hectic day begins can help focus your mind.
PEER PRESSURE: Peer pressure doesn’t always have to be a negative thing, sometimes it’s a wake up call. If the majority of those you went to school with are now suffering with diabetes or cardiovascular problems this could be your early wake up call to get t and active.
AGE: There’s a cliche that you are as young as you feel, but it’s true, age is just a number and even if you feel that your body is not set out for high impact fitness then activities such as yoga and pilates are a great way to increase mobility and flexibility and keep you feeling young and active.
WEIGHT: If your weight is holding you back then it’s time to stop letting it be an excuse. Being big doesn’t mean you are un t and being skinny doesn’t mean you are fit. Being healthy is the most important issue you should focus on and you should always ensure your diet is healthy and balanced and is made up of fresh and natural ingredients.
HEALTH: Exercise can be modi ed for a number of different reasons such as disabilities, environments, age, ability, so don’t get disheartened if you have a medical condition, ensure your Doctor knows you are working out and they can advise you what you can and can’t do but where there is a will there is a way and more often than not exercise can help lots of conditions.
Our favourite workouts at the moment are HIIT workouts, this means High Intensity Interval Training which combines quick, intense workouts with short periods of recovery.
Perform each activity for 50 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds. Have a 2 minute rest after completing all 8 exercises and then repeat the whole thing 2-4 times depending on your fitness. Remember to focus on form and the correct technique to avoid any injury and aim for the quality of each movement.
Here are our top 8 workout activities that you can do as part of your cost-free workout session
1) ACTIVITY 1: Jump Squats Ensure your feet are shoulder- width apart. Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively ensuring you cushion your landing by bend your knees and repeat.
2) ACTIVITY 2: Alternate Lunges Ensure your feet are shoulder width apart in the lunge position and arms down by your sides. Jump with an explosive motion ensuring both feet leave the floor and switch in mid air. Land softly, bending your knees and landing on the opposite leg you started with and repeat.
3) ACTIVITY 3: Alternate Power Knees Standing in the up right position with feet hip-width apart. Drive your right knee to meet your right hand. Ensure back is upright and you power through the motion alternating between feet and engaging your core.
4) ACTIVITY 4: X jumps Ensure your stance is wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees until your quadriceps (thighs) are parallel with the floor and touch your right foot with your left hand. Use your momentum to power yourself into the air and landing back into the squat position on the opposite side.
5) ACTIVITY 5: Ski Jumps ( Over rope) Ensure the rope is unlikely to move during the exercise. Start on one side of the rope and jump from side to side landing shoulder width apart and powering through your legs as your move left to right. When you land ensure you push back into your bottom and bend your knees.
6) ACTIVITY 6: Commandos Starting in the plank position with your core engaged, ensure your weight is pushed back into your heels and neck is aligned and forearms are directly underneath your shoulders. Push up to full extension so that your right arm is straight and then the same with the leftarm, ensuring your core is engaged and your back is at at all times. Lower down onto right forearm and then lower down onto the left forearm and repeat again.
7) ACTIVITY 7 : Spider Woman Plank Channel your inner superhero by starting in an extended plank position with your arms underneath your shoulders. Drive your left knee to your left ear and replace down so your body is straight and then repeat on your right side. Ensure your back is straight and body is streamline whilst engaging your core.
8) ACTIVITY 8: Palm tree Shuttle Runs Use the beauty of the Island palm trees to act as your markers and run in and out ensuring to touch down on the floor once your reach the left side and repeat again when you hit the right side.
The key to a successful workout is creativity and imagination, so be sure to add your own variations of exercises to add spice and flavour to your workout regime and you will definitely be more inclined to stick to it if you enjoy it. With our cost-free workout, the only thing you have to invest in is your time and everyday you should ensure that you have quality time where you focus on just YOU.
Loloma Levu,
The Bulalicious Activewear Team