Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much
Talofa, Bula Vinaka, Hello. My name is Steffi Fa’aasusivaitele Heatherington Carruthers. (Sorry for the complicated island middle name)
I am Samoan and have been to Fiji about 2 to 3 times every year from the ages of 12 up to 17 for Tennis tournaments. I play on the Women’s Pro Tour for Tennis. It’s always been a dream of mine to play on the Pro Tour and by the grace of God, here I am ? It’s a pleasure for me to be able to share with you some of my experiences and what ever I can do to help encourage you or continue to motivate you.
I played several sports growing go up in the islands such as Rugby, Netball, Volleyball, Soccer..the list goes on. I was a sports fanatic. However, I had to choose one to pursue as a career and eventually I chose Tennis..not a very common sport in Samoa and neighbouring Islands, but I took on the challenge and never looked back since. (Well let’s be honest I have…when Tennis got hard and stressful) I have been able to travel to 29 different countries around the world to play the sport I love..traveling the world really has opened my eyes to what our pacific island people whether in sports or arts, medical etc Us islanders are more then capable of reaching the top of our careers and explore the world or whatever our dreams and ambitions are in life. I believe that we can achieve anything we set our mind to and you should believe that you can do it also. You can make it happen even if you are from one of our beautiful, small Islands. It doesn’t come easy, but if you keep at it and keep working hard and honest, the Lord will do the rest.. just as he has done and continues to do for me ?
Bulalicious gives 10% of its proceeds towards charitable causes and so I encourage you to join along and help us give back to our communities at the same time as having an active lifestyle and wearing a great pair of comfortable Bulalicious outfits. Bulalicious and myself are here to help give back to our communities in anyway we can. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ so we should help build up each other for “alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much!
Have a great 2017 everyone ?