“Pulling out the positives” isn’t always as simple as it sounds…however I have found that if you look for positives in all situations, it can benefit your life in so many ways. It’s all about having a positive outlook on things or at least trying your best to. This does not mean you try and make your world seem ‘perfect’ because let’s be honest, that is impossible. No one’s world is perfect, no matter what it may look like on the outside almost everyone is fighting their own battles, on the inside, whether they be small or large. Life is full of challenges.
It’s all about how we react to these challenges. The word ‘challenge’ can be looked at in a positive way, or negatively… a great mind set to have is to ‘love challenges’. Challenges allow us to learn more about ourselves and it can bring the best out of us.
There may be times where you think that you have let yourself down, because you have not achieved a goal that you are striving for. However, a great way to help overcome the disappointment is to look at the positive things you learnt, or did along your journey. Trust me there will always be a positive no matter how dull things may seem.
What do you do with the positives once you have identified them? It may bring you satisfaction and relief by simply identifying the positive and giving yourself a pat on the back and saying well done or you may want to reward yourself with something a little more tasty.
If it is coffee, or a yummy smoothie, or treating yourself to your favourite cake every once in a while, I believe it is important to recognise the positive things you have done, especially when you may be surrounded by more negativity than positivity.Talking to a close friend or relative can be a great way to identify positives and to discuss them.
Sharing your feelings and emotions every now and then, may be just what you need, to reset and get going again. A common saying that you may have heard is ‘flipping your negatives into positives’. This helps describe another way to overcome challenges or obstacles. Take the negative, for example you haven’t exercised as much as you aimed to, or perhaps you didn’t meet the deadline for your work project or school assignment. The best way is to use the disappointment and turn it into determination to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. You put systems in place that will help you achieve your goal.
The most important thing to remember, is to never feel like you have failed. That word should be non-existent. Never give up and always try your best.
Britt xx