Happiness is what matters the most
When we’re happy we’re healthy and we sing as we go!! That is a phrase of a song I learned while growing up. It’s crazy how fast time flies when we are always busy and always on the go-go-go! Do we ever take the time to relax and think to ourselves, is there more to life than this??! The answer is a resounding “YES!!” There is always more to life, being at the beach, at home, playing sports, at church, being with friends and the list goes on. For us humans it is in our very nature to always be looking for things to do even when we don’t realise. Meaning that when we are eating, sleeping, or talking our minds are always going, going going- from what will I do next? To what can I eat? Then on to how do I feel about this? Questions and thought flow ever so frequently. Allow me to echo the words of a great leader that said “ You hold in your hands the happiness of more people you can imagine ” President Eyring.
Now, I have an experiment or rather an activity in this blog that you can try during the week- As part of your everyday workout or day schedule find someone (it can be different people throughout the day) that you will smile at or help randomly throughout the day. Small things like smiling and waving can make a huge difference.
Let’s get those facial muscles working along with your awesome physique and put it to the test. See if those you serve or smile or wave at will return the favour naturally!! I promise you it works. When you’re happy it has a knock on effect and everything else works out well, you’re more healthy, more stable, more successful and that’s what we all need isn’t it??
Let’s get started- small and simple things are great things brought to pass.