Take Care Of Your Body And It Will Take Care Of You
I wanted to highlight massage therapy today; a great way to recover after your workout, relax, heal and show love.
In the Pacific many babies and young children are given a “bobo” regularly and then in later years we resort to massage most often for healing from injury and illness, while we save the relaxing ones for special occasions or when we are at a resort.
Massage should be a regular part of your week, especially so if you work out or play a sport.
My husband is a former rugby league player who represented Fiji in the ’90’s and now into his mid-40’s he is still keeping himself fit and strong. He enjoys a good deep tissue massage (who doesn’t!) to get rid of the knots in his rather wide back and it’s hard work being his masseuse! At the end of 30 minutes, I’m usually sweating, my hands and arms hurt and I’m strongly urging him to “just go and book a professional massage, already!”
However, going to a professional masseuse is not always possible, convenient or affordable. So I invented, or so I like to think, my own seated version of Ashiatsu, which is when you use your feet to massage someone. Now in some cultures, in particular in the Pacific this idea might get me in the very least, raised eyebrows of disapproval; “You put your feet where??” But it works and he loves it; done deal!
So what he does is he lies on the floor on his tummy with his head towards the sofa. I sit in the sofa so his head is between my CLEAN feet. Cue the hand-warmed virgin coconut oil and using my heels, soles and toes I really let those muscles have it from his trapezius muscles to his whole back. I am seated the whole time, though I do have to raise my bottom off the sofa to increase the pressure or to reach lower down his back.
In the process I get a triceps, thighs and tummy workout while I am ministering to my husband so what’s not to like?
So try massaging each other not only for muscle recovery but also for relaxation and letting your other half know you love them. YouTube is full of How To videos, so don’t be afraid to experiment.. If you’re single or have no one to massage you there are also many videos on self-massaging.
Ahhh, I feel a massage coming on now!
Lenora xo