#WEWILLRISE from the Cyclone
First up my heart goes out to all those who have been affected by the Cyclones or the floods. We love you and care for you and hope for the best as we all move forward to greater things!
In all that we do whether it has to do with physical, spiritual or emotional fitness, it takes work and much effort. My blog is titled and hash tagged “We will Rise”, because we’re going through so much but above it all we will rise! ☺
Getting back on track we know that there are things we need to focus on.
Number One: Nutrition
Use and eat what you have around you. Prices are rising and things aren’t getting any cheaper. “O be wise what more can I say?” Our forefathers back in the days pretty much would make do with what they had. Ask friends and families for recipes that are healthy and easy to make. Bele, tuna (fish), coconuts, eggplants, rourou (taro leaves) they are in abundance, use it!!
Number Two: Stretching/ Doing Home-Work Outs
A lot of people at times like these don’t think much about it but doing chores is a workout! YES, believe it or not…Yes, laugh out loud, its true! I have found that it is a workout when you’re constantly moving around your home, picking up toys or laundry, sweeping (as an arm exercise), wiping windows, walking up and down the stairs to clean rooms, taking the dogs out for a walk, taking the trash out… don’t you agree??…Just thinking outside the box and creating other little things to do around the house helps your body function well and allows your heart to pump blood into other parts of your body, giving it good circulation!
Number Three: Active Rest
After all is said and done at the end of it all you’ll be worn out, somewhat tired but relaxed because you’ve ‘hit 2 birds with 1 stone’. Meaning, You’ve worked out for the day and done your chores now you can sit back relax, enjoy the clean view and the peaceful feeling that comes with it and treat yourself to a healthy fresh meal or a drink from your very own back yard, ready to either welcome your family home or just to have time out for yourself!
Take care everyone and above it all remember #WEWILLRISE!
Love, Suka x