"Don’t dig your grave with your fork, knife and spoon"
It’s already March! Blink and it’ll be Easter, then Fiji Day, then Diwali, Christmas and then it’ll be 2017!
The box-fit class I attend has been welcoming new members and it’s exciting that so many people are determined to change their lifestyles this year. I just hope everyone sticks to their resolutions; it’s not uncommon to see gym memberships go up in the months after New Year as we take stock of the damage done to our bodies during the “festive season’, before some of us revert to our “old ways”.
I was super excited to take delivery of my new Bulalicious gear towards the end of January. Congratulations, Bulalicious for an even more comfy and breathable line. I train most days and I sweat buckets so it’s important to me that my gym gear can handle that sort of wear.
As I’ve been sharing on my Facebook page, my Dad’s been ill and was hospitalised for a few weeks, but he’s getting better now. During this period I spent many hours in hospital and got talking with some medical personnel. Overwhelmingly, the message I kept hearing was this; too many people in Fiji spend years abusing their bodies by eating the wrong foods and the wrong portions, end up in hospital and expect miracle cures. Our Pastor put it aptly a few Sundays ago when he said, “Don’t dig your grave with your fork, knife and spoon.”
This year, I have determined to be more careful about what I eat. This includes cutting back, or right out, processed foods. Since the beginning of this year, and due to our church being on a 21-day Daniel Fast, my meals have consisted of lots of legumes in the form of hot and spicy home-made dhal soup, steamed okra, pumpkins and other veges and sweet potato or kumala, which I just love! My husband is also very partial to blanched bele or spinach in miti or raw coconut milk with loads of onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Our meals at home are always very healthy with mostly fresh fish making up the protein component.
And I must mention my nutri-bullet type “pulverizer”, which has helped change my breakfast from the 2 or 3 coffee, 12 breakfast crackers plus spread usual to a vitamin loaded smoothie consisting of carrots, cucumber, ginger, banana, pomegranate and goji berries or chia seeds which you can now buy locally.
My work as a TV host and MC requires me to be healthy and look good, so I have to look after my body. Quite apart from work, I have to be healthy for my family and to be able to be of service to others. I think I am on the right track with a good healthy diet and regular exercise, and it doesn’t hurt to look and feel good while training and I have Bulalicious to thank for that!
Lenora (Bulalicious Ambassador)